Running qBittorrent on the Raspberry Pi Thumbnail

Running qBittorrent on the Raspberry Pi

In this guide, we will be teaching you how to install and configure qBittorrent on the Raspberry Pi. qBittorrent is one of the best torrent clients available for the device, featuring an easy-to-use web interface and a useful desktop client while also being lightweight. Read More...

Installing Kodi on your Raspberry Pi Thumbnail

Installing Kodi on your Raspberry Pi

In this tutorial, we take you through the straightforward steps of installing and setting up Kodi on the Raspberry Pi. Using these steps, you can install Kodi on a standard operating system without relying on a third-party distribution such as OSMC or LibreELEC. Read More...

Running Quake 3 on the Raspberry Pi Thumbnail

Running Quake 3 on the Raspberry Pi

In this guide, we will be showing you how to get Quake 3 Arena running on the Raspberry Pi. To achieve this, we will showcase two different methods. One method makes use of the optimized Q3Lite build. The other uses the one provided through the package repository. Read More...

Raspberry Pi Bluetooth Speakers Thumbnail

Raspberry Pi Bluetooth Speakers

Add Bluetooth to your speakers by using a Raspberry Pi. Set up audio streaming for any old speaker or hi-fi system with this straightforward guide. By following this guide you will also get support for Spotify Connect, Apple AirPlay and multi-room streaming. Read More...

Using Dropbox on the Raspberry Pi Thumbnail

Using Dropbox on the Raspberry Pi

With this tutorial, you will be learning how to use Dropbox on your Raspberry Pi by following a couple of easy to follow steps. To get Dropbox to work on the Pi, we will be making use of an easy to bash script that uses the Dropbox API. Read More...