How to Edit the hosts File on Windows Thumbnail

How to Edit the hosts File on Windows

In this quick guide, you will be learning how you can edit the hosts file on Windows. This file is used when Windows performs a DNS lookup. By adding a hostname to this file, you can route traffic to an IP address of your choosing. Read More...

How to Install pip on Windows Thumbnail

How to Install pip on Windows

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to install pip on your Windows computer. We will provide you with step-by-step instructions on checking the installation and performing any necessary setup steps for the pip Python package manager. Read More...

Installing Python on Windows Thumbnail

Installing Python on Windows

In this tutorial, we take you through the steps of installing Python on the Windows operating system. It's a simple process thanks to the Python for Windows installer. You will have Python set up and ready to go in no time at all. Read More...