Build your own Raspberry Pi Pirate Radio Thumbnail

Build your own Raspberry Pi Pirate Radio

In this tutorial, we will be showing you the basics of how to set up a Raspberry Pi Pirate Radio utilizing the FM Transmitter software and a piece of wire. This piece of software allows you to broadcast an FM signal through your GPIO 4 pin. This broadcast means you can set up your own […] Read More...

How to Setup a Raspberry Pi Caddy Web Server Thumbnail

How to Setup a Raspberry Pi Caddy Web Server

In this project, we will be showing you how to set up a Raspberry Pi Caddy web server. While Caddy is not nearly as performance friendly as NGINX on the Raspberry Pi, it is packed with user-friendly features and is designed to utilize modern web technologies right out of the box. Caddy utilizes modern web […] Read More...

Setting up a Raspberry Pi Captive Portal Thumbnail

Setting up a Raspberry Pi Captive Portal

In this tutorial, we will be showing your how-to setup a Raspberry Pi Captive Portal by utilizing the popular nodogsplash software. A Captive Portal is a screen that will be shown initially to anyone who connects to your Wi-Fi Access Point. Before they can begin utilizing the Wifi connection, they will need to complete an […] Read More...

Setup your own Raspberry Pi AirPlay Receiver Thumbnail

Setup your own Raspberry Pi AirPlay Receiver

In this tutorial, we will be exploring how to set up a Raspberry Pi AirPlay Receiver. This tutorial primarily involves you connecting your Raspberry Pi to your speakers then installing software so that it becomes recognized as an AirPlay receiver on your internet network. To set up your AirPlay Receiver, we will be making use of […] Read More...

How to setup a Raspberry Pi TOR Access Point Thumbnail

How to setup a Raspberry Pi TOR Access Point

In this tutorial, we will be going through the steps on how to set up a basic Raspberry Pi TOR Access Point. Before you get started with this tutorial, you must have already completed our wireless access point tutorial as this tutorial is an extension of that. In this tutorial, we will show you how […] Read More...

Raspberry Pi Email Notifier using the Sense HAT Thumbnail

Raspberry Pi Email Notifier using the Sense HAT

In this tutorial, we will be setting up a Raspberry Pi email notifier that makes use of the Sense Hat, and it will make use of the LED Matrix to display a visual notification of the status of your email. This email notifier is an excellent project to use alongside the Sense HAT weather station […] Read More...

Running a Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi Bridge Thumbnail

Running a Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi Bridge

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up your Raspberry Pi as a Wi-Fi bridge. This bridge allows you to share your wireless network with an ethernet only device. It is a great way of adding Wi-Fi capability to a device that is lacking the functionality. Read More...