PHP Associative Arrays
This tutorial will cover PHP associative arrays and how you can create, edit, and access them. This array type will be helpful in many use cases, especially when you need a clear identifier for a value. Read More
Learn the basics of the programming language PHP. These tutorials are easy to follow and contain a fair bit of information.
This tutorial will cover PHP associative arrays and how you can create, edit, and access them. This array type will be helpful in many use cases, especially when you need a clear identifier for a value. Read More
In this tutorial, we teach you how to use PHP's count() function. Using this function, you can count the number of elements in an array or an object that implements the Countable class. Read More
This tutorial will teach you how to use the date() function within your PHP scripts. This function returns the date and time using the format that you specify. This time can be either the current time or the one you specify. Read More
This tutorial will show you how to install the PHP programming language on MacOS. You will need the Homebrew package manager installed for this tutorial to work correctly. Luckily, it is relatively straightforward. Read More
In this tutorial, we will take you through the steps of installing the PHP programming language on Windows. We also cover configuring PHP to work with either Apache or Nginx running on Windows. Read More
Within this tutorial, you will be learning how to get the length of an array in PHP by using the count() function. Being able to get the length of an array easily and quickly is helpful for a variety of reasons. Read More
This guide will touch on the different data types you can use in the PHP programming language. For example, integers, floats, strings, Booleans, arrays, objects, resources, and null. Knowing the different data types will come in handy. Read More
In this tutorial, we will take you through some of the ways you can check if an array is empty in PHP. We will touch on using the not operator, the empty and count function. These will come in handy if you use many arrays in your code. Read More
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the crypt() function in PHP. This function allows you to generate a hash of the provided string. Using crypt you can generate a variety of hashes including blowifsh and SHA-256. Read More
In this guide, we will take you through the basics of using the PHP $_GET global variable for handling incoming GET data. We will also take you through how to define name-value pairs (query string) that are sent within the URL. Read More
This tutorial will teach you how to install PHP on the Ubuntu operating system. This includes guides on setting it up for the Apache and Nginx webservers. PHP is a programming language that helps drive dynamic websites. Read More
This guide will take you through the basics of using the PHP $_POST global variable for handling incoming POST data. You will likely need to use this variable if you plan on using HTML forms or any sort of form data submission via a POST request. Read More
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the htmlspecialchars() Function in PHP. This function converts special characters to HTML entities. It is incredibly useful for sanitizing user data to prevent XSS. Read More
This tutorial will take you through the basics of using variables in PHP. We will touch on using variable scopes, data types, naming conventions, and more. It is the perfect tutorial if you want to start learning how to code in PHP. Read More
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the empty() function in PHP. This function checks whether a variable exists and has a valid value. This is useful for ensuring you have a valid value. It is especially useful when dealing with arrays. Read More
This tutorial takes you through the basics of using the strlen function in a PHP script. The strlen function allows you to check the length of a given string. However, there are a few things you will need to be aware of. Read More
This tutorial takes you through the process of using PHP to redirect a user whenever they hit a specific URL. There are many reasons why you may want to redirect a user, such as changing domains or moving from HTTP to HTTPS. Read More
This tutorial will take you through the basics of using the header function in PHP. You can use this function to set or alter HTTP headers within a PHP script. However, you will need to be aware of a few things before using the function. Read More
Learn how to use the isset() function in PHP. This function allows you to check if a variable has been declared or has a non-null value. It is a powerful function that allows you to ensure required data exists, especially when dealing with arrays. Read More
This tutorial teaches you how to use the ternary operator in PHP. This operator sets a value based on whether a condition is true or false. It allows you to write cleaner and more concise code by avoiding bloated if...else statements. Read More