There are many choices when it comes to building your own Raspberry Pi Web server. This page highlights all of our web server tutorials, including backend software such as MySQL.
Typically, with a standard web server, you will want to use something like Apache. On top of that, you will likely need a database. MySQL is the most common.
Tools such as PHPMyAdmin will make your life easier when it comes to developing and managing a database.
As we grow our web server tutorials for the Raspberry Pi, we will add them to this page. So, be sure to bookmark and refer back to here if you ever need to develop a web application or website.

Web Server Software

Raspberry Pi Apache
Apache is the most popular web server in the world, but Nginx closely follows it. If you’re looking for a reliable web server, then this is a perfect choice.
Setting up Apache is pretty straight forward and is very beginner-friendly. You can quickly get WordPress setup and ready to go on it.

Raspberry Pi NGINX
NGINX is a very popular web server and is well known for its speed. Apart from just hosting websites, it is often used to act as a reverse proxy, load, balancer, and much more.
If you’re looking for performance, then this is the server software to setup. Much like Apache, it’s not very complicated to get set up and running.

Raspberry Pi Lighttpd
Lighttpd was released back in 2003 and is still actively developed as an open-source project. It is well known as lightweight and incredibly fast. If you expect high loads, then this is a perfect choice.
It is not nearly as popular as NGINX and Apache but is still a solid a choice if you’re after a server that’s fast and reliable.

Raspberry Pi Caddy
Caddy web server is yet another open-source software package. It has several appealing features, such as automatic https, virtual hosting, easy configuration, and much more.
It’s a robust choice and very friendly if you’re new to web development. I recommend giving it a try if you want something a little different.
Database Servers

Raspberry Pi MYSQL
MYSQL is a relational database and is hugely popular amongst many websites, web applications, and much more. This tutorial shows how to install MariaDB, a fork of the original MYSQL database.
If you’re looking to set up any database-driven website or application, then MYSQL is a solid choice.
Web Administration Tools

Raspberry Pi PHPMyAdmin
PHPMyAdmin is a hugely popular administration tool for both MySQL and MariaDB. It’s written mostly in PHP so you will need to have a Raspberry Pi web server and PHP setup.
If you’re planning on running a heavy database application, then I highly recommend that you install PHPMyAdmin.

Raspberry Pi Webmin
Webmin is a powerful system configuration tool that is accessible via your web browser. You can configure and monitor a range of things such as users, disk quotas, config files, and more.
You can use additional software such as Virtualmin or Usermin for more specific tools. I highly recommend this software if you need a web-based config tool.
Web Security Tools

Raspberry Pi SSL Certificates (Let’s Encrypt)
SSL is a must-have for any modern website that’s available on the internet. The Pi can be set up to generate SSL certificates for free using the Let’s Encrypt service.
If you plan on having your Raspberry Pi web server accessible on the internet, then this tutorial is a must.

Raspberry Pi Fail2Ban
Fail2ban is a very popular security package that helps protect your server from brute-force attacks. It works by scanning log files and banning IPs that are continually trying to seek exploits, brute force logins, and much more.
It’s a must-have software if you plan on having your Raspberry Pi accessible on the internet.
Email Software

Raspberry Pi Email Server (Citadel)
Citadel is an email software package that contains a ton of features. Alongside email support, it also has calendars, address books, instant messaging, wiki, and much more.
If you’re looking to set up your own email server software, then this is certainly one to try out.
Website Software

Raspberry Pi WordPress
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world. You can make use of this software for websites, blogs, forums, and even eCommerce.
If you don’t want to spend too much time developing a website, then setting up WordPress is a viable solution. You will need to first setup a Raspberry Pi web server.

Raspberry Pi Owncloud
If you want to share files both locally and over the internet, then OwnCloud is an excellent solution. It’s like having your own private DropBox where you host and control the data.
It’s got a modern interface and a ton of extensions that you can use to add more functionality to the software.

Raspberry Pi Nextcloud
Nextcloud is a fork of Owncloud, so they are very similar in what they offer. It’s a viable option if you want to have files accessible both locally and over the internet.
Again, the interface is friendly and modern, so it’s perfect as a DropBox replacement.