How to Add a Directory to PATH in Ubuntu Thumbnail

How to Add a Directory to PATH in Ubuntu

This tutorial will teach you to add a new directory to the PATH environment variable on Ubuntu. The operating system will search the paths stored in this variable every time you run a command. It saves you having to use absolute paths to programs. Read More...

How to kill a process on Ubuntu Thumbnail

How to kill a process on Ubuntu

This tutorial will teach you how to kill a process on Ubuntu. For example, you may want to kill a process after it becomes unresponsive and won't stop when you attempt to close the application normally. Read More...

How to Restart Ubuntu using the Terminal Thumbnail

How to Restart Ubuntu using the Terminal

In this quick guide you will be learning how to restart Ubuntu using the terminal. There are three simple commands you can use to reboot the system. Each of these commands offer a different benefit for restarting the Ubuntu operating system. Read More...

How to Generate and Use SSH Keys on Ubuntu Thumbnail

How to Generate and Use SSH Keys on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, you will learn how to generate and use SSH keys on Ubuntu. SSH keys are a crucial part of improving the security of an SSH connection. These keys come in pairs where the public key is used to verify a connection created by a private key. Read More...

How to Reboot Linux Thumbnail

How to Reboot Linux

In this tutorial, you will learn how to reboot a Linux system using the terminal. Restarting your system can be done with a simple command. Some of the commands you will learn in this guide is shutdown, reboot and systemctl. Read More...

How to Install Composer on Ubuntu Thumbnail

How to Install Composer on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Composer on the Ubuntu operating system. Composer is a powerful dependency manager for the PHP language. Use this tool to manage any library that your software relies on. Read More...

How to use the sudo Command in Linux Thumbnail

How to use the sudo Command in Linux

This guide will take you through the basics of using the sudo command on a Linux-based distribution. The sudo command is instrumental in running commands requiring superuser or root permissions. Therefore, it is likely you will need to use this command. Read More...

How to Install PHP on Ubuntu Thumbnail

How to Install PHP on Ubuntu

This tutorial will teach you how to install PHP on the Ubuntu operating system. This includes guides on setting it up for the Apache and Nginx webservers. PHP is a programming language that helps drive dynamic websites. Read More...