This tutorial will show you how to install and run Pi-Hole as a Docker container.

Pi-Hole is a software that act as your DNS provider to actively block internet ads and trackers. It does this by filtering the DNS requests and sending any blocked domains into a blackhole, so the request is never completed.
Another cool thing about Pi-Hole is that it can also work well to monitor your network traffic, as you can set it to log any DNS requests that the server receives.
While this software is perfect for devices like the Raspberry Pi, you can install it on any Linux machine. Or, when using Docker, you can even run Pi-Hole on a Windows device.
You can run Pi-Hole on your devices in many ways, but one of the easiest is to use Docker. The advantage of using Docker is that everything you need is set up within the container.
Please note that we tested the following steps for installing Pi-Hole through a Docker container on an Ubuntu system. However, they should work fine on any system where you can install “Docker” and “Docker Compose”.
Installing Pi-Hole using Docker Video Guide
If you prefer a video guide to a written one, follow the one we have embedded below. This video will walk you through installing and running Pi-Hole using a Docker container.
Of course, if you prefer our written content, continue on with this guide.
Preparing your System to Run Pi-Hole as a Container
These first few steps will get your Linux system set up to run Pi-Hole through a Docker container. If you already have Docker installed on your system, you can skip to the “Installing the Pi-Hole Docker Container” section.
1. If you are running a Debian-based operating system such as Ubuntu, you will need to update the package list cache before we can install the software needed to run Pi-Hole.
You can update the package list by using the following command.
sudo apt update
2. The only package we need to get Pi-Hole running with Docker is the Docker runtime.
Thanks to a convenience script the Docker team provides, installing this runtime is straightforward. While you could install Docker from your package repository, it can be significantly out-of-date.
To install Docker on any supported operating system, run the command below.
curl -sSL | sh
3. After installing Docker, it is helpful to add your current user to the “docker
” group it created. Adding your user to the group is as easy as using the usermod command.
We want to add your user to this group because it makes controlling the Pi-Hole Docker container easier. We don’t have to worry about using “sudo
” to interact with the containers.
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
4. Because we made changes to our user’s groups you will need to log out.
You can easily log out from the terminal by running the following command.
Alternatively, you can just restart your machine by using the reboot command.
sudo reboot
5. That is all the software you need on your Linux system to run Pi-Hole within a Docker container.
Any additional software that is needed will all be stored within the container. This greatly simplifies getting Pi-Hole running on Linux-based systems such as Ubuntu.
Installing the Pi-Hole Docker Container
This section will show you the process of installing Pi-Hole as a Docker container on your Linux-based system. All we need to do within this section is to write a “docker-compose
” configuration file.
This file tells Docker what containers it needs to download and what ports it needs to open.
Creating a Directory for Pi-Hole
1. Start by creating a directory where you will store the configuration file for the Pi-Hole docker container.
We will do this by using the mkdir command to create a directory called “pihole
” in our user’s home directory.
sudo mkdir -p /opt/stacks/pihole
2. Let us move into our newly created directory by using the cd command.
cd /opt/stacks/pihole
Writing the Docker-Compose Configuration File
3. Our next step is writing the “compose.yaml
” file. This file is where we will define the Pi-Hole docker container and the options we want passed to the container.
sudo nano compose.yaml
4. Within this file, you will want to enter the following lines. We will explain the pieces you may want to modify shortly.
container_name: pihole
image: pihole/pihole:latest
- "53:53/tcp"
- "53:53/udp"
- "67:67/udp"
- "80:80/tcp"
TZ: 'America/Chicago'
# WEBPASSWORD: 'set a secure password here or it will be random'
- './etc-pihole:/etc/pihole'
- './etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d'
restart: unless-stopped
Configuring the Pi-Hole Configuration File
5. Before you save this file, there are three Docker options that you will want to reconfigure for Pi-Hole to suit your setup better.
Setting the Password for the Pi-Hole Web Interface
Out of all the things to configure, you will want to set a secure password before running the Pi-Hole container. Pi-Hole will randomly generate the password if you don’t set a value.
Begin by looking for the following line within the configuration file.
# WEBPASSWORD: 'set a secure password here or it will be random'
Replace with the following, switching out “SECUREPASSWORD
” with a secure password of your own. Try and use letters, numbers, and symbols.
If you want to generate secure passwords and store them securely, we recommend you check out the NordPass password manager (Affiliate link).
Configuring the Web Interface Port of Pi-Hole
By default, we will set up the Docker container so Pi-Hole will be accessible through port 80
on your system. This could be problematic if you already have something operating on port 80
To change this, you will want to find the following line and change the number on the left side of the colon (:
- "80:80/tcp"
For example, to change the port to “8080
“, you would replace that line with the following.
- "8080:80/tcp"
Setting the Time Zone for the Pi-Hole Docker Container
By default, the Pi-Hole docker container has been configured to use the “Chicago
” time zone. It is possible, however, to adjust this to your local time zone.
You can find a list of valid time zone values on Wikipedia. The value you want to use is in the “TZ database name” column.
To adjust the time zone, find the following line within the file.
TZ: 'America/Chicago'
Adjust this value to match your time zone. For example, for Hobart, Australia, we would utilize the line below.
TZ: 'Australia/Hobart'
Saving the Docker-Compose File
6. Once you have made the above changes to the file, save and quit by pressing CTRL + X, followed by Y, then the ENTER key.
Working around the Systemd-Resolve Service (Ubuntu and Fedora Only)
7. If you are using an Ubuntu or Fedora operating system to run the Pi-Hole Docker container, you may need to disable the DNS Stub listener that is built into the Systemd resolve service.
The operating system uses this service to provide network name resolution. As Pi-Hole will want to operate on the same part the resolve service does, we need to disable it.
If you are using an operating system like Debian or Raspberry Pi OS, for now, you can safely skip straight to the starting up Pi-Hole section.
To start this process, begin editing the “/etc/systemd/resolved.conf
” configuration file by running the following command.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
8. Within this file, you will want to find the following line. This setting basically allows us to control whether the DNS stub listener is turned on.
After finding this line you will want to remove the hashtag (#
) from the front of this line and change “yes
” to “no
9. Once you have made this change, save and quit out of the file by pressing CTRL + X, Y, and then ENTER.
10. Our next step is to remove the existing “resolv.conf
” file since it currently points your system’s network to use the now-disabled DNS stub resolver.
You can delete this file using the rm command as shown below.
sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
11. With the existing “resolv.conf
” file removed, we will now create a symbolic link in its place pointing to the version setting in the “/run/systemd/resolve/” directory.
This version of the file is automatically updated using the DNS servers set within your Netplan.
sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
12. The last thing we need to do is restart the “systemd-resolved
” service so that all of our changes will be loaded in.
Once the service has finished restarting, Pi-hole should now be able to utilize the DNS ports on your system.
sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved
Starting the Pi-Hole Docker Container
13. We can finally start up Pi-Hole’s Docker container on our Linux system.
All you need to do now is run the following command within the terminal.
docker compose up -d
Please note this process can take a couple of minutes, depending on your device’s internet connection.
Accessing the Pi-Hole Web Interface
Now that we have the Pi-Hole docker container up and running on your system, we can proceed to use its web interface.
This web interface allows you to control all aspects of Pi-Hole on your system, so you won’t have to mess around with configuration files.
1. Before we begin, you will need to know the IP address of your device so that you can access the web interface.
The easiest way to get the local IP address is to use the hostname command.
hostname -I
2. With your local IP address, you will want to go to the following within your web browser.
Ensure you replace “IPADDRESS
” with the IP you got in the previous step.
If you changed the port away from “80
“, you need to insert the port like shown below.
3. You should now be greeted with the login page for Pi-Hole.
To log in, you must type in the password (1.) you set when writing the Docker configuration file earlier.
With your password typed in, click the “Log In
” button (2.)

4. You now have access to the Pi-Hole dashboard running from within the Docker container.

5. With access to the dashboard, now is a good time to start changing your device’s DNS to use Pi-Hole.
We won’t be covering how exactly to do this in this guide. However, we have a guide that shows you how to change the DNS servers on Ubuntu.
When setting the DNS servers, you must use the IP belonging to the device you are running Pi-Hole on.
Updating the Pi-Hole Docker Container
Since we used Compose to set up the Pi-Hole Docker container, updating the software is straightforward.
In just a few short steps, you will upgrade to the latest available image.
1. Our first task is to change to the directory where we wrote the Compose file earlier.
You can change to this directory by running the command below.
cd /opt/stacks/pihole
2. After changing to this directory, we will want to tell Docker to download the latest version of the Pi-Hole image.
This is as simple as using “docker compose
” followed by the “pull
” command.
docker compose pull
3. The previous command pulls the latest image, but won’t update your already running container. Don’t worry, getting Docker to update a container to a new version is pretty simple.
Use the following command within the terminal to tell Docker to start up our Compose file. Docker will detect that Pi-Hole is already running and see that a new image is available. Upon detecting a new image, it will stop the current container and start it back up using the new one.
docker compose up -d
This tutorial shows you how to run Pi-Hole within a docker container on a Linux system.
Pi-Hole is a neat software that allows you to run a network-wide ad blocker easily. It works by handling your DNS requests and blocking domain names associated with ads.
Please comment below if you have any issues getting Pi-Hole to work within Docker.
We also have numerous other tutorials showing what you can achieve with Ubuntu.
Thanks for the guide. One item of note. If you remove /etc/resolv.conf the docker pull will fail as you no longer have dns. Instead, I left /etc/resolv.conf in place and updated it after pihole container was up and running with the following
I am running debian 12.9 on my raspberry pi 5.
I did not have systemd-resolved service
Hi Chris,
Those steps should have been skipped entirely if you aren’t running Ubuntu or Feodra. Most other operating systems don’t implement the caching stub resolver so they can be simply skipped.
I have updated the text to try and make that a little clearer.
Kind regards,
By setting DNSStubListener=no, DNS no longer works on the system so that when you run docker compose you get an error. Is there an order of operations issue here or something I did?
$ sudo docker compose up -d
[+] Running 1/0
✘ pihole Error 0.0s
Error response from daemon: Get “”: dial tcp: lookup on read udp> read: connection refused
$ ping
ping: Temporary failure in name resolution
Hi Jack,
Unfortunately I’m not able to replicate this issue on my end. Everything seems to work fine after following through the steps. Did you ensure that you restarted the “systemd-resolved” service?
Additionally, you can also print the contents of the “/etc/resolv.conf” file by using the following command to verify that it is actually being filled out.
It should be matching the contents of “/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf” since we are creating a symlink between these two locations.
Kind regards,
In step 10, you instruct to use sudo rm /etc/resolve.conf, but in step 11, you use resolv.conf instead. So is the e on resolve necessary or not?
Hi Steve,
Thank you for letting me know about that typo. “resolv.conf” is the correct file and the “resolve.conf” was a mistype.
Kind regards,
Is there a way I can make this autostart on boot?
Hi JB,
It should automatically start on boot as long as the Docker runtime is started at boot (Which on a default installation will automatically be set up).
Kind regards,
I followed this until i got to docker-compose:
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo: docker-compose: command not found
It turns out the latest download uses a later version of docker compose (v2.24.7). The new command now runs but the docker-compose.yml file is for an earlier version:
$ docker compose up -d <– note new version
validating /home//pi-hole/docker-compose.yml: (root) Additional property pihole is not allowed
Hi Ric,
Thank you for the heads up. I have updated the tutorial to ensure a newer version of Docker is installed rather than the older separate “docker-compose”.
Additionally, I believe that the Compose file should still be working.
Kind regards,
Thanks – I got that working on my Pi 4 – I kept getting
Error response from daemon: Head “”: dial tcp: lookup on no such host
when runnig compose
but once I changed the /etc/resolv.conf file, it worked.
I actually created a macvlan so that pihole is exposed on a different IP address than that of my pi.
Cool! I installed it, and web pages load faster, I was able to remove ublock and ghostery from all my computers. Block at 20% in 3 days. Queries blocked more than 20000.