Default Raspbian Username and Password

Learn what the default username and password is for Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi.

Default Raspbian Username and Password

The username and password for Raspbian are crucial aspects to know. Without them, you will not be able to do anything with your Raspberry Pi.

You will be using the username and password to connect to your Raspberry Pi, whether that be connecting remotely over SSH or through physical access.

This resource is here to help you when you have forgotten what the default credentials are for logging into the Raspbian operating system.

If you don’t already have Raspbian setup on your Raspberry Pi, you can start by downloading Raspbian from our website.

Default Raspbian Login Credentials

The default username and password to login to Raspbian are incredibly straightforward to remember but are also very insecure.

The username by default for the Raspbian operating system is pi.

The default password for logging into Raspbian is raspberry.

Default UsernameDefault Password

The easiest way to remember the login details for Raspbian is to remember that they are made up of the name of the device “raspberry pi“.

Changing the Password on Raspbian

While the default password on Raspbian is incredibly easy to remember, it should be changed to something a bit more secure.

1. To change the password in Raspbian, you must first open up a terminal session.

2. While you are within a terminal session, you can change the password by running the following command.


3. When running this command, you will be first asked to enter the current password before proceeding.

If you are using the default Raspbian password, this should be raspberry.

Changing password for pi.
Current password:

4. You will then be asked to enter a new password for the pi user to login to Raspbian with.

New password:
Retype new password:

The password will need to be entered twice to confirm the password change for your Raspberry Pi.

You can improve your Raspberry Pi’s security even further by making use of SSH keys for remote access.

SSH keys can combine the security of a password with a long unique encryption key to make it much more complicated to break into your Pi remotely.

At this point in this guide, you should now know what the default login details are for the Raspbian operating system as well as know-how to change the password.

If you have any problems with logging into your Raspberry Pi, then feel free to drop a comment below.

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  1. Avatar for Pema yangzom
    Pema yangzom on

    I couldn’t login in pi

    1. Avatar for Emmet
      Emmet on

      Hi Pema,

      If you are using a new version of Raspberry Pi OS then a username and password are not set by default.

      You must set the username and password during the initial setup process or through the Raspberry Pi Imager interface.

      Please let me know if you need any extra help.
