PS5 Remote Play on the Steam Deck using Chiaki

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up PS5 remote play on your Steam Deck.

Steam Deck PS5 or PS3 Remote Play

If you have ever wanted to be able to pick up your Steam Deck and continue playing a game from your PlayStation 5, then you can.

To add the ability to play your PS5 or PS4 games remotely, we will use a particular piece of software developed by Florian Märkl called Chiaki.

Chiaki allows devices like the Steam Deck to act as a remote play client for either the PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. It even maps the controls of your Steam Deck to what they would be on a standard remote-play client.

Over the following few sections, we will show you how to install Chiaki to your Steam Deck and connect it to a PS5. While our steps mainly follow the PS5, they will also work with the PS4 with only slight adjustments.

Please note before proceeding there is a fork of Chiaki called Chiaki4Deck that you can install instead. This version has been optimized for the Deck’s hardware.

Retrieving your PlayStation Account ID

To use remote play on your Steam Deck to play games from your PS5 or PS4, you will need first to get your PlayStation account ID.

Luckily, this process has been made relatively straightforward as long as you know your PlayStation Network username and have your account’s privacy settings so that you are findable.

1. In your favourite web browser you will want to go to the following URL.

You can go to this on your Steam Deck or any other device, including your phone. This website will generate the account ID for PlayStation’s remote play service on the Steam Deck.

2. Once on the website, you will see a dialogue box like the one below.

In the text box, type in your PSN username (1.). Please note your privacy settings must allow everyone to find you in search for this tool to work.

Once you have typed in your username, click the “Submit” button (2.).

Type in Username to retrieve Account ID

3. You will now be presented with your account ID and a base64 encoded version that ID.

Copy down the “Encoded ID“, as this is the one you will need to use Chiaki on your Steam Deck.

Get encoded account ID for Remote Play on the Steam Deck

Installing Chiaki to the Steam Deck

Our first step is to install the PS5/PS4 remote play client to our Steam Deck. Luckily this process is relatively straightforward as it is available through the Discover store.

Over the next few steps, we will install Chiaki onto the Steam Deck and get it ready to be connected to your PlayStation for remote play.

4. Your first step is to change to the desktop mode on your Steam Deck.

First, bring up the Steam menu on your device by pressing the “Steam” button on the left side of your device or by tapping “Steam MENU” on the screen.

Open Steam Menu

5. With the Steam menu now open on your device, you will want to select the “Power” option.

You will find this option at the bottom of the STEAM menu.

Open Power Menu

6. You will now be presented with a couple of options. The one you want to utilize is the “Switch to deskop” option.

This option will take you to Steam Deck’s desktop interface and out of the gaming mode.

Switch to desktop mode

7. Now that we are on the desktop interface, we can open the “Discover store“.

You can open this app by tapping the shopping icon on the taskbar, as shown below.

Open Discover Store

8. With the Discover Store open on your Steam Deck, we can now move on to installing Chiaki. This application will allow us to stream PS5 or PS4 games to your Steam Deck.

Using the search box at the top left of the screen, search for “Chiaki” (1.). By default, you can open the on-screen keyboard by pressing the “X” button on your Steam Deck.

On the right side, you should see “Chiaki” appear. Next, tap the “Install” button (2.) to install the software on your device.

Install Chiaki for PS5 or PS4 remote play on the Steam Deck

9. Once the installation has finished, you can change to the Chiaki store page by tapping the whole item, as shown below.

Change to Chiaki Store Page

10. With the store page open, you can launch Chiaki by tapping the “Launch” button.

You will find this button at the top-right of the Discover screen.

Launching Chiaki on the Steam Deck

Associating your PS5 for Remote Play on the Steam Deck

11. Before using Chiaki to stream your PS5 or PS4 games to your Steam Deck, you must associate the console with it.

To begin this process, you will want to tap or click the console you wish to register.

Select console to remote play to your Steam Deck

12. At this point, you must get a code generated from your console to register your console with your Steam Deck.

You will complete this and the next two steps on your PlayStation 5. Of course, if you are using a PS4, then these steps will differ, but the idea is still the same.

To get to the remote play option, you will need to first open the settings page.

Open the settings page on the PS5

13. Once the settings page is open, scroll down and open the “System” options page, as shown below.

Open System Settings

14. With the “System” settings page open, change to the “Remote Play” options page (1.).

Next, ensure you have the “Enable Remote Play” option toggled to on (2.).

Finally, you can begin the device linking process by selecting the “Link Device” option (3.).

Enable Remote Play and Link Steam Deck Device

15. You should now see a code generated on your screen.

Unfortunately, this code only remains for a set amount of time, so you must be quick for the next few steps to register your PS5 or PS4 with your Steam Deck for remote play.

PS5 Remote Play Link Code for Steam Deck

16. Back on your Steam Deck, we must fill out additional information to register the console.

  1. First, ensure that the console setting is correct (1.). In our case this option is set to the “PS5“.
  2. Next, you must fill out the PSN Account ID field with the ID that you retrieved earlier in this guide (2.).
  3. The final field that needs filling out is the PIN (3.). The PIN is where you will enter the code currently displayed on your PS5.

Once you have all three fields of data correctly set, you can tap the “Register” button (4.).

Enter details to connect Steam Deck to PS5 or PS4

17. If your Steam Deck has been successfully set up for remote play with your console, you should see the following message appear on your screen.

You can tap the “OK” button to proceed.

Successfully Registered for Remote Play on the Steam Deck

18. Below, you can see that our PS5 has now been registered with Chiaki running on our Steam Deck.

We could now tap the console and begin remotely playing games from the PlayStation to the Steam Deck.

However, for this tutorial, we will move on to allow Chiaki to be accessible through the “Gaming Mode” rather than just desktop mode.

Console Registered and Ready for COnnection

Adding PS4 and PS5 Remote Play to the Steam Deck Gaming Mode

19. To be remotely play your PS5 games through Steam Deck’s gaming mode, we must add it as a non-steam game.

To do this, you will need to start by opening the desktop version of the Steam client.

Open Steam Desktop Version

20. With the Steam Desktop client opened, you will want to click the “Add a game” button (1.) in the bottom-left corner.

With the menu that pops up, click the “Add a Non-Steam Game...” option (2.).

Open add non steam game dialog

21. You will now see a list of applications and games you can add as non-steam games. Look through this list till you see the “Chiaki” option and tick the box next to it (1.).

With the box ticked you can click the “ADD SELECTED PROGRAMS” button (2.).

Add Chiaki as a non steam game

22. You can now return to the gaming mode on your Steam Deck and use your new PS5 and PS4 remote play functionality.

Double tap the “Return to Gaming Mode” icon to get back to the gaming mode.

Return to gaming mode

Starting Remote Play to your PS5/PS4 on your Steam Deck

23. At this stage, we have set up your Steam Deck so you can remotely play your PS5 or PS4 games.

To open up Chiaki to play these games, you will want to first change over to your Steam library.

Bring up the Steam menu, then select the “Library” option to continue.

Switch to Library mode

24. Now that you are in your Steam library, change to the “Non-Steam” tab.

Within this tab, you should see Chiaki as an option. Go to its game page by tapping or selecting it.

Open Chiaki for PS5 Remote Play on the Steam Deck

25. All we need to do to launch Chiaki while within Steam Decks gaming mode is select the “Play” button.

In a couple more steps, you can remotely play your PS5 or PS4 games on your Steam Deck.

Launch Chiaki

26. You now have Chiaki up and running on your Steam deck. Within the app, you should see the console you registered in this guide earlier.

If your PS5 or PS4 is in standby mode, the software will allow you to wake it up. If the state of your console is “Ready“, then you will be able to start remotely playing from it immediately.

Connect or Wake up PS5 Console from Steam Deck

27. If your console is currently in standby, you can tap the “Yes” button to awaken the console.

This works by sending a specially formatted packet to your game console.

Send wake up packet

28. You will see the following message Once the package has been sent.

Press the “OK” button to continue with using the remote play functionality on your Steam Deck.

Wake Up Packet Sent

29. Below, you can see how Chiaki awoke our PS5 and is now “ready” for remote play. You may have to wait a minute or two as your console wakes up before it appears in this list.

Double-tap or select your console to begin streaming games from it.

PS5 Ready to Remote Play to Steam Deck

30. Below, you can see our Steam Deck has successfully connected to our PS5 using remote play.

We can now interact with the console and play games on it as if we were playing directly. However, some of the button mappings can be strange, so it can take a little getting used to.

You can change any button mappings by clicking the cog in Chiaki when not connected to your game console.

Steam Deck Remotely Playing Games from PS5 or PS4


By this stage in the guide, we hope you know how to use remote play to play your PlayStation 4 or 5 games on your Steam Deck.

This functionality is super useful and allows you to play your console games while away. It is also super helpful if you have someone using your TV, as you can now play the games with little to no issues.

Please comment below if you have issues using Chiaki on the Steam Deck to play your games remotely.

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One Comment

  1. Avatar for Chad Spencer
    Chad Spencer on

    Thank you so much for this guide. I love my Steam already, but being able to play my PS5 games on it remotely makes it even better. 😁🕹️