Raspberry Boom is a brand new Raspberry Pi powered sensor from the creators of the Raspberry Shake. For those who don’t know what the Raspberry Shake is, it is a seismometer that connects to the Raspberry Pi and can detect things such as tectonic vibrations meaning you can record stuff like earthquakes. If you are interested in an accurate seismometer for the Raspberry Pi you can check it out at Raspberry Shakes website.
The Raspberry Boom differs in that it is designed to detect the “inaudible” noises which occur within our atmosphere. It can detect these noises through infrasound which is sound that is not audible to the human ears, while the human ear can only hear noises as low as 20 Hz this infrasound monitor can listen to sounds as low as 0.05 Hz.
Using this infrasound monitor you can detect numerous things that are happening in the world. From harsh incoming weather, planes flying overhead, volcanoes erupting on remote islands to meteors burning up in the atmosphere. This monitor is a fantastic device for those who are interested in what’s happening in the world around them that they usually would not be able to detect.
By packaging this technology into a HAT for the Raspberry Pi the group gives easier access to the technology for hobbyists, education and even professionals at a more affordable price tag starting at $179 USD. The same sort of device with the same functionality and capabilities as the Raspberry Boom could set you back thousands of dollars.
Raspberry Shake is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the Raspberry Boom, at the time of posting this they have already managed to surpass their goal of $7,000 and is currently sitting at $46,846. Check out their Kickstarter campaign to find out more about this device.